동글 지원 범위 wiki



Block Type 동글 지원 여부 HTML 부가 옵션
bookmark O <p><link></link></p>
bulleted_list_item O <ul><li></li></ul>
callout O(인용문) <blockqoute>💡 hello</blockqoute> 배경색 : X
column O(펼쳐주기) <p></p>
column_list O(펼쳐주기) <p></p>
code O <pre language=”java”><code></code></pre>
divider O <hr><hr/>
heading_1 O <h1></h1>
heading_2 O <h2></h2>
heading_3 O <h3></h3>
image O(외부 링크) <img src=” ” caption=”” ></img>
numbered_list_item O <ol><li></li></ol>
paragraph O <p></p>
quote O <blockqoute></blockqoute>
synced_block O
to_do O <input type="checkbox" value="rawText" checked>
toggle O <details>
<summary>토글 제목</summary>
토글 내부 내용
Block Type 동글 지원 여부 HTML 부가 옵션
bookmark O <p><link></link></p>
breadcrumb X
bulleted_list_item O <ul><li></li></ul>
callout O(인용문) <blockqoute>💡 hello</blockqoute> 배경색 : X
child_database X
child_page X
column O(펼쳐주기) <p></p>
column_list O(펼쳐주기) <p></p>
code O <pre language=”java”><code></code></pre>
divider O <hr><hr/>
embed X
equation X
file X
heading_1 O <h1></h1>
heading_2 O <h2></h2>
heading_3 O <h3></h3>
image O(외부 링크) <img src=” ” caption=”” ></img>
link_preview X
link_to_page X
numbered_list_item O <ol><li></li></ol>
paragraph O <p></p>
pdf X
quote O <blockqoute></blockqoute>
synced_block O
table X
table_row X
table_of_contents X
template X
to_do O <input type="checkbox" value="rawText" checked>
toggle O 값만 빼오는 중) <details>
<summary>토글 제목</summary>
토글 내부 내용
</details> 홀리몰리
unsupported X
video X


Style Type 동글 지원 여부 HTML
Bold O <strong></strong>
Italic O <i></i>
Strikethrough O <s></s>
Underline O <u></u>
Code O <code></code>
Color X
Background-Color X

마크다운(Common Markdown)


Element 동글 지원 여부
Heading O block
Bold O
Italic O
Blockquote O(자잘한 버그) block
Ordered List O block
Unordered List O block
Code O
Horizontal Rule O block
Link O
Image O block


Element 동글 지원 여부 Markdown Syntax
Table X \| Syntax \| Description \| \\\\ \| ----------- \| ----------- \| \\\\ \| Header \| Title \| \\\\ \| Paragraph \| Text \|
Code Block O \\\\ { \\\\   "firstName": "John", \\\\   "lastName": "Smith", \\\\   "age": 25 \\\\ } \\\\
Footnote X Here's a sentence with a footnote. [^1] \\\\ \\\\ [^1]: This is the footnote.
Heading ID X ### My Great Heading {#custom-id}
Definition List X term \\\\ : definition
Strikethrough O ~~The world is flat.~~
Task List O - [x] Write the press release \\\\ - [ ] Update the website \\\\ - [ ] Contact the media
Emoji (see also Copying and Pasting Emoji) X That is so funny! :joy:
Highlight X I need to highlight these ==very important words==.
Subscript X H~2~O
Superscript X X^2^


문자 엔티티 이름 (이걸로 써도 됨) 코드
탭 (Tab)
새 줄
스페이스 (공백 한 칸)  
! - !
" " "
& & &
< < <
> > >